We are happily assisting our maximum number
of matrimonial superheroes at this time.
Contact me to get notified if space becomes available.
Album and design inquiries are welcome - tell me about your project!
Album and design inquiries are welcome - tell me about your project!
Basic Badass Raw Processing - .34 per image
This is the quintessential classic. Think Liam Neeson in Taken - he's out saving the world (and looking HOT DAMN! doing it - rawr) - not with special tools or fancy cars or sexy gadgets - no. He has special SKILLS. Skills that get the job done. Beautifully. He's not flashing washboard abs - he's getting shit DONE - in his passionate badass style. That man is not gonna let you down. Count on it.
Badass raw processing is the Liam Neeson of editing. It includes correcting for all the classic essentials : white balance, temperature, exposure, highlights and shadows, vibrance, saturation, contrast and clarity, HSL and levels adjustments - pretty much all the stuff in the Lightroom Develop Module that doesn't involve use of a specialized tool. I don't charge extra for black and white conversions. If you have specific presets that you want me to apply in bulk in certain situations, like noise reduction at high ISOs for example, we can work that out at no additional charge. I have custom presets for almost all of my clients - this is expected, since everyone's "brand" is unique and personalized. It's to be celebrated! You have the option of receiving a LR catalog file or xmp files back with your edits. If you're using a smart catalog, you'll get back all the files necessary to be able to view the edits on your system.
Badass raw processing is the Liam Neeson of editing. It includes correcting for all the classic essentials : white balance, temperature, exposure, highlights and shadows, vibrance, saturation, contrast and clarity, HSL and levels adjustments - pretty much all the stuff in the Lightroom Develop Module that doesn't involve use of a specialized tool. I don't charge extra for black and white conversions. If you have specific presets that you want me to apply in bulk in certain situations, like noise reduction at high ISOs for example, we can work that out at no additional charge. I have custom presets for almost all of my clients - this is expected, since everyone's "brand" is unique and personalized. It's to be celebrated! You have the option of receiving a LR catalog file or xmp files back with your edits. If you're using a smart catalog, you'll get back all the files necessary to be able to view the edits on your system.
Creative Badass Raw Processing - .45 per image
When you really want to kick it up a notch. A sexy combination of elegance and badassery. Think Bond. James Bond.
Creative processing is a souped-up version of the basic edit. Creative edits include all of the basic raw processing, but add things like cropping/straightening, creative vignetting, and use of the specialized tools within the Lightroom platform, such as the gradient tools, the brush tool (dodging, burning, detail enhancement), red eye or spot removal. This price only applies to the images that receive creative processing. For example, if you submit 600 photos and 150 of them end up with some sort of creative processing, then 150 are charged at the creative price and the remainder are charged at the basic price.
Creative processing is a souped-up version of the basic edit. Creative edits include all of the basic raw processing, but add things like cropping/straightening, creative vignetting, and use of the specialized tools within the Lightroom platform, such as the gradient tools, the brush tool (dodging, burning, detail enhancement), red eye or spot removal. This price only applies to the images that receive creative processing. For example, if you submit 600 photos and 150 of them end up with some sort of creative processing, then 150 are charged at the creative price and the remainder are charged at the basic price.
Premium Badass Edits - $2.00 each
Boss level edits. Strong, simple, gorgeous - think Indiana Jones, circa the Temple of Doom. Hellooo, Sexy.
This edit is perfect for portraits or images that need a little extra lovin', as we make the jump out of Lightroom and into the all-mighty realm of Photoshop. Minor blemish removals, skin softening, eye and teeth brightening, minor cloning & bug-and-bird removal, maybe a little dodging and burning here and there. Perhaps a MOB has some dark circles or crow's feet, and she's requesting that freshly pressed look. We'll pull out some action-packed actions and apply some layer masks and a little bit of magic - and you've got some badass photos that are very easy on the eyes.
This edit is perfect for portraits or images that need a little extra lovin', as we make the jump out of Lightroom and into the all-mighty realm of Photoshop. Minor blemish removals, skin softening, eye and teeth brightening, minor cloning & bug-and-bird removal, maybe a little dodging and burning here and there. Perhaps a MOB has some dark circles or crow's feet, and she's requesting that freshly pressed look. We'll pull out some action-packed actions and apply some layer masks and a little bit of magic - and you've got some badass photos that are very easy on the eyes.
Epic Badass Edits - $60 / hour - 15 minute minimum
Hardcore Ninja-level edits. We're talking Chuck Norris meets Lara Croft meets Rambo meets David Copperfield.
This is where magic happens. Need to make Uncle Ronnie disappear? Or make a smiling face from two frames down magically appear where that screaming kid is? Need to make that airplane in the background vanish? Or your lovely assistant and one of your softboxes? Or Grandpa? (I've had that request). Your wish is my command. A little sleight of hand here, a little finesse there... add in some magic dust and some abracadabra and a whole lot of whoop-ass. Digital liposuction, head swaps, background cloning, combining exposures, wild hair taming, eliminating major blemishes and dust spots and bad tan lines - this is where we pull out all the stops and go Chuck Norris on your photos, leaving you with a final picture worthy of ten THOUSAND words.
This is where magic happens. Need to make Uncle Ronnie disappear? Or make a smiling face from two frames down magically appear where that screaming kid is? Need to make that airplane in the background vanish? Or your lovely assistant and one of your softboxes? Or Grandpa? (I've had that request). Your wish is my command. A little sleight of hand here, a little finesse there... add in some magic dust and some abracadabra and a whole lot of whoop-ass. Digital liposuction, head swaps, background cloning, combining exposures, wild hair taming, eliminating major blemishes and dust spots and bad tan lines - this is where we pull out all the stops and go Chuck Norris on your photos, leaving you with a final picture worthy of ten THOUSAND words.
A note about Bulk JPEG Processing : ( Hint : I don't do it).
Sugarjets does not offer bulk processing of JPEG files. JPEGs may be smaller in size, faster to shoot and quicker to render in-camera, but they are also less forgiving if not correctly exposed at the time of capture, making them more difficult to process. Therefore they take more time. The old saying "time is money" could apply here, but doesn't - I could simply charge more to process them to account for the added time. But it's not about the time. It's about efficiency - and the negative impact on my own workflow. And the fact that I just don't like working with them. One or two or twenty may sneak in to a job every now and then - and I'm certainly not going to refuse to process them. It happens. But as a rule, the clients I work with are hip to the amazing benefits of shooting raw - if you have never tried it, you should. The possibilities and end results with raw processing far outweigh the initial convenience of jpegs - I just don't like working with jpegs as a starting point for processing, so I choose not to.
Click here to see samples of my work :